Pretrained models
由于训练的过程中,自己从头开心训练一个模型还是太难了,因此transfer learning还是一个重要的提速手段。对于pytroch而言,torchvision中models主要都是在imagenet上的预训练,把最后一层的fc层或classifier层去掉换成需要Linear层就能够利用已有的权重。
那么对于利用pretrained models的mean和std改怎么定这个是一个问题。谷歌后,发现了一个大佬对此做了解答,恍然大悟。
It’s the same means and stds the model was trained with on ImageNet. For most of the models from torchvision, according to pretrained_models_pytorch:
means = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
stds = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
如果我们使用的pretrained model,那么models是适用于imagenet的统计量(std和mean),如果想更好地利用pretrained model的权重,显然输入也要符合imagenet,因此此时应该选用imagenet的统计量,应该对tranferlearning有更好的帮助
models from scratch
This only matters if you are using a pretrained model. Also, means and stds of the dataset are calculated from the raw images without data augmentation as far as I know. And the values can be chosen quite arbitrarily as you can see from inceptionv3.